Learn more about the HIDSS4Health Steering Committee and its members.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee (SC) oversees daily operations and drives the strategic development of initiatives proposed to the General Assembly (GA). Each SC member is responsible for a specific area, such as finance, the selection process, equal opportunities, meeting organization, or public engagement. The SC convenes at least once every three months, and decisions are made by an absolute majority.

Klaus Maier-Hein

The Maier-Hein team develops machine learning algorithms, mathematical modelling approaches for computational image understanding and large-scale information processing.

Michael Gertz

The Gertz team focuses on novel models and techniques in support of information extraction, data/text mining, machine learning, and network analysis for heterogeneous data.

Katja Mombaur

The BioRobotics Lab is part of the Institute for Anthopomatics and Robotics (IAR) at KIT and led by Prof. Katja Mombaur. It has been created in May 2023 as an endowed Chair of the Hector foundation. Through the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Human Centred Robotics and Machine Intelligence of Katja Mombaur, there is a close collaboration with our team at the University of Waterloo, Canada - HCRMI.
Elected Members

Sabine Jung-Klawitter

We are interested in inborn errors of metabolism with a special focus on defects in neurotransmitter biosynthesis and metabolism including defects in the biosynthesis of dopamine, serotonin, and GABA, as well as in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) biosynthesis. We use patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), CRISPR-generated isogenic control iPSC lines and differentiated somatic cell types (neurons, glia) and organoids to elucidate the pathophysiology of the diseases. We are especially interested in (a) gaining a deeper understanding of the complex pathophysiology of the diseases, (b) obtaining better genotype/phenotype correlations and (c) the identification of new therapeutic targets and diagnostic markers.

Marius Fracarolli

Daniel Walther

Daniel Walther studied history and German language and literature at the University of Heidelberg. He then completed his doctorate at the Institute for the History of Medicine in Stuttgart and at the University of Mannheim in the field of social history of medicine.
After completing his doctorate, he worked as a research assistant at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology in Karlsruhe, where he was involved in the transfer of scientific findings into practice.
Since November 2021, he has been working as a science manager in the Medical Image Computing department. Additionally, since November 2023, he has been co-leading the Graduate School HIDSS4Health.